Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università di
Roma Tre - Vito
Michele Abrusci
- Dipartimento di Scienze
dell'Informazione, Università di Roma La Sapienza
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Verona - Andrea
Dipartimento di Scienza dell'Informazione, Università di
Bologna - Simone
- Dipartimento di Matematica e
Informatica, Università di Udine
Duration: 24 months (2003-2004).
linear logic; proof-nets ; ludics ;
light linear logic ; game semantics ; elementary linear logic ;
coherence spaces.
Summary of Project
The aim of
project is to further develop
promising research
arguments both foundational and applicative, all arising from Linear
Logic (LL), inside the field of Theoretical Computer Science. Indeed it
is a common opinion that logic is one of the most important theoretical
tools in Computer Science, and LL opened new lines in this direction,
some partially explored. We learned from the definition of LL that some
logical connectives, which were considered atomic, are composite. In
fact the essential property of LL is the decomposition of the
intuitionistic implication A=>B in !A-oB. A linear implication A-oB
represents a transformation process, that, taken as input ONE object
belonging to A, gives as output ONE object belonging to B. The modality
! denotes a different process, which gives explicit evidence to
intensional properties of the object A to be transformed. These
properties describe the potentiality of the object to be either
duplicated or deleted during the transformation. So LL supports
primitive operators for duplication and erasure, which are only present
at a meta-level in the standard approach. Such operators can be used to
control how the proofs are built and executed (i.e., normalized).
Through the well known connection between logical proofs and functional
languages, formalized in the so-called "Curry-Howard morphism", LL
allows to define a computable function as composition of a
duplication/erasure operation followed by a linear function. Another
example is the modality § of the Light Linear Logic (LLL), which
further decomposes the duplication operation, so allowing to control
the normalization time. This new view-point allows to model programming
languages with an explicit resources control, both in space and time.
Moreover LL introduced a new approach to proof theory, through the
notion of "proof-net". Proof-nets are proofs (programs, via
Curry-Howard correspondence) characterized by pure geometrical
properties (the "correctness criteria"). They are an essential tool for
refining the logical system, for studying its dynamic aspects (proofs
normalization) and for characterizing fragment of the system with
particular computational properties (like the polarized linear logic or
the low complexity systems). Particular notations for proof-nets have
been studied, which allow to define normalization procedures based on
local operations, making incremental duplications. An interesting
application of these properties is the design of interpreters for
functional languages using optimal reduction strategies. LL gave new
tools for studying the semantics of computations: coherence spaces,
functional domains more refined than the previous Scott domains, for
studying the denotational semantics, and the "game semantics", which is
a synthesis of the two classical approaches to semantics, the
operational and the denotational one. Game semantics can be fruitfully
used for building fully abstract models.
Recently from LL Ludics sprouted. In a very synthetic way, Ludics
can be described as a new approach to the study of logical rules, based
on a revised notion of game, whose main characteristic is the physical
localization of formulas/resources. It seems to open a new scenario,
when the classical distinction between syntax and semantics aims to
disappear. It is interesting to explore its possible applications to
Computer Science. In conclusion LL turned the classical relationships
between proof theory and computation theory: in this context the
present research project want both to study LL in itself and to start
from LL to design new tools for the development of Theoretical Computer
Science, in particular in the field of Programming Languages. The
project will be organized into three lines:
1) Structural proof theory
2) Study of computations of fixed complexity
3) Semantics of both proofs and programming languages.
The first line is clearly foundational. Along it we want both to
study problems related to the proof theory of LL, and to export proof
theory techniques from LL to other systems (for example, classical
logic). Along the second line, we want in particular to study logics
derived from LL, with the property of characterizing computations of
given complexity, and to explore their possible applications to
programming languages. Along the third line, we want to deal with
semantics. In particular we want both to model the meaning of logical
systems (in particular of proof-nets) and to use tools from LL (e.g.
game theory or coherence spaces) for studying the formal semantics of
programming languages.