Paolo Coppola and Simona Ronchi Della Rocca.
Principal typing for elementary affine logic.
In Hofmann M., editor, Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications:
6th International Conference (TLCA 2003), volume 2701 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 90-104, Berlin, 2003. Springer-Verlag.
A preliminary version has been presented at the workshop
``LL-Linear Logic'', affiliated to FLoC'02, Copenhagen.
Elementary Affine Logic (EAL) is a variant of the
Linear Logic characterizing the computational power of
the elementary bounded Touring machines. The EAL Type
Inference problem is the problem of automatically
assign to terms of lambda-calculus EAL formulas as
types. This problem is proved to be decidable, and an
algorithm is showed, building, for every lambda-term,
either a negative answer or a finite set of type
schemata, from which all and only its typings can be
derived, through suitable operations.
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